13 Must Reads for 2022

Janice Tovey
2 min readDec 23, 2021

Less stress; more happiness.

We all agree that 2021 was an anxious year. Bizarre politics, fake news, unstable weather, and let’s not forget Covid! Definitely a most challenging and unpredictable 365 days.

We do not possess the ability to control everything. This is common sense. Rising prices, Omicron, housing, employment instability, and unique health challenges are the realities of the human experience in this new world!

While we make attempts to eat healthy, exercise, rest, and reduce our stress, sometimes these well intentioned strategies fall short.

When we are physically ill we lean toward doctors, when our teeth ache we turn to dentists, and in times of spiritual uncertainty we eye religion and spirituality.

And in times of great uncertainty, we may find ourselves turning to the field of psychology for possible answers; the scientific study of the mind and behavior. In other words, why we wonderful humans behave the way do.

The subject of anxiety has been a headliner for the past couple of years. And with good reason!

I would like to share with you something a little different; the latest information coming out of the field of what is known as “positive psychology.” The part of psychology that studies the ways to enhance the human experience by helping us achieve, connect and thrive.

Now that sounds good doesn’t it. “Studies the ways to enhance the human experience by helping us



Janice Tovey

My passion is writing. I also love reading, teaching, animals, nature, music, and humor. I am curious about everything and enjoy writing about all things.