The Miraculous Health Benefits of My 30 Day Challenge

I elevated my productivity, motivation, and mood

Janice Tovey
3 min readApr 7, 2022
Photo by Dharshatharan Jayatharan Aronan on Unsplas

I do not want to bore you with details about this ancient Chinese practice. Because, I want you to keep reading. And, I want to keep you interested, so that I can share with you the wonders and amazing health benefits of QiGong.

QiGong, pronounced “ chi” “gong” is a part of traditional Chinese medicine. It was developed thousands of years ago. QiGong is an energy system. This practice involves gentle movements to increase energy within the mind, body, and spirit. “Chi” literally means energy, and “Gong” means to cultivate. Energy cultivation.

I was told before I dove into my thirty day practice, that QiGong could improve my psychological and physical health. These benefits are achieved by the regulation of the movements of body, posture, mind, and breath. QiGong I was informed, is also great for stress relief and sleep. Count me in!

There are many well documented success stories similar to mine. Proof that the practice of QiGong does optimize health.

This is my experience with thirty days of consistent QiGong practice. (20 minutes a day). My teacher was YouTube. (there are hundreds of QiGong videos online).

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Significant Health Benefits:

  • I learned to breathe. Not the shallow breathing I had been used to my entire life. Slow, deep, cleansing breaths that calmed and refreshed.
  • My posture improved. The slow and gentle movements of QiGong helped to relax my spine. I now stand more erect.
  • My shoulders no longer resemble earrings. The arm movements, paired with deep breathing, helped to release the muscles in my shoulders. My headaches have improved, as has the tension in my neck.
  • My sleep has improved. I sleep longer, and I sleep deeper. I experience a great deal of insomnia, so this was a much cherished benefit.
  • My mind has become clearer. My memory has improved, and I feel refreshed.
  • My productivity has increased.
  • My mood has improved. I just feel happier.

I realize that this is not any type of scientific study. These are my personal benefits after thirty days of consistent beginner QiGong practice. It was enjoyable and easy to follow. I put on YouTube, closed our living room curtains, tied back my hair, and began.

I am so happy I did. Pleased that I stuck with it and was able to witness firsthand amazing results. I am not stopping. I hope that my QiGong journey will take me even farther. In fact, I hope to be reporting back in six months with nothing less than fantastic results.

If you decide to check out QiGong, take a look at some of the YouTube videos. There are some pretty amazing ones out there.

You do not need to do a ton of reading, wear special clothes, go to a gym, or be physically fit to start. You can start from a chair if need be. You are able to initiate this practice at any age, and anywhere. I witnessed one of the crossing guards in our neighborhood practicing her cool QiGong moves while waiting for kids from the local school.

It is said to take thirty days to build a habit and make it stick.

Thirty days of QiGong did if for me!

What about you?



Janice Tovey

My passion is writing. I also love reading, teaching, animals, nature, music, and humor. I am curious about everything and enjoy writing about all things.