4 Fantastic Foods That Fight Cold and Flu

Garlic, chicken soup, honey and tea

Janice Tovey


Photo by Karolina Kołodziejczak on Unsplash

Chicken soup, garlic, tea, and honey are some delicious and nutritious foods that pack a punch of health benefits.

Feel better fast.

These everyday items are probably presently poised on your pantry shelf.

With a little preparation can be combined into a healthy bite that will have you feeling at the top of your game in no time.

Photo by Svitlana on Unsplash

4 Foods that comfort and heal:

  • TEA is at the top of the list for its ease of use and magnificent healing properties. Tea acts as a natural decongestant, eases mucous, replenishes lost fluids, and soothes a sore throat. It is the antioxidants that work with your bodies immune system to guard and protect from the savages of free radicals. Herbal teas are especially effective.
  • GARLIC can reduce recovery time against cold and flu. This powerful bulb is quick to lose its medicinal properties, however. To maintain potency, leave garlic out for ten minutes before slicing or crushing or increase your quantity as desired.
  • CHICKEN SOUP can be traced back…



Janice Tovey

My passion is writing. I also love reading, teaching, animals, nature, music, and humor. I am curious about everything and enjoy writing about all things.