5 Coping Strategies for Unprecedented Uncertain Times

Help to help you through

Janice Tovey


Photo by Santiago Lacarta on Unsplash

There is no place to hide from uncertainty. It surrounds us; each and everyone one of us. And it is taking a physical, emotional, and spiritual toll.

We know this:

We are not out of the woods yet. We are still in the thick of Covid with a health crisis, shortage of supplies, mental health crisis and medical professionals facing sickness and extreme stress.

It is all of us. We are all facing the same struggles in varying forms and degrees. We all now have some kind of post-traumatic stress infliction. Rather than a disease, we are all sharing some form of PTSD because of the stress.

The 5 Coping Strategies:

Take time to unwind: Take a digital detox. Consciously recharge your nervous system by moving away from screen time. This will help you energize your entire nervous system.

Be aware of triggers and stressors: Be aware of the areas in your life that cause you the most anxiety and stress. Be sensitive to old patterns. Employ coping mechanisms before emotions escalate. Breathe, meditate, remove yourself form stress provoking situations and take care of yourself.



Janice Tovey

My passion is writing. I also love reading, teaching, animals, nature, music, and humor. I am curious about everything and enjoy writing about all things.