5 Steps: Free Yourself From the Binds of Anxiety

Janice Tovey
2 min readJan 4, 2022

Immerse, breathe, reward, gratitude, humor

You are probably asking what the heck the words:





and humor have to due with anxiety.

And, what is with the witches cauldron?

Great questions!

Picture this:! You are actually sitting in a witches cauldron. It is bubbling away with anxiety. You feel stuck! You start to freak out! You want to run!

Don’t! Take a big breathe. Hold it. Breathe in and out for 2- 3 minutes. Tell yourself everything will be OK. Breathe!

Admit to yourself this is scary! It is. I have been there. At the same time remind yourself that this anxiety is going to pass. Emotions are transitory. It will eventually subside. Breathe!

Good for you! You didn’t run. You sat with your anxiety. You immersed yourself in a bubbling sea of discomfort.

Reward yourself for your strength; for sitting with your anxiety. Treat yourself to your: favorite coffee, favorite book, or call a good friend. Immerse yourself in something…



Janice Tovey
Janice Tovey

Written by Janice Tovey

My passion is writing. I also love reading, teaching, animals, nature, music, and humor. I am curious about everything and enjoy writing about all things.

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