8 Super Foods For Empaths and HSP’s!

Janice Tovey
3 min readDec 16, 2021

High energy, high vibration foods for the highly sensitive Empath.

Photo by Meagan Carsience on Unsplash

Empath’s are highly sensitive to energy. All energy, including the energy of food.

More specifically how the food is grown, sold, prepared and served.

If your mother was an angry cook, you are eating the energy of the emotion of anger. If you are in a rush when you cook you are ingesting anxiety and “the fight of flight mode.

Food made by machines entirely for profit is the energy of greed, and pesticides are the energy of death. The energy of antibiotics and growth hormones from factory farmed animals, and the energy of pain, torture and fear of slaughtered animals is abundant in our food.

Being energetically sensitive means that we are constantly absorbing huge amounts of stimulus. This includes mental, physical, and emotional. When an Empath accumulates too much “debris” in our energetic bodies there are energetic problems.

Empaths need to have a good relationship with their physical bodies. “Our capacity to not only be in our body but also properly tend to its needs has a direct impact on how much/little energy we perceive and retain in our aura.” leap yoga



Janice Tovey

My passion is writing. I also love reading, teaching, animals, nature, music, and humor. I am curious about everything and enjoy writing about all things.