Empaths Love Their Pets
That special connection between animals and their humans
I love my dog. His name is Joey. He is a 14 year old pug. He is deaf and going blind. He has the heart of a warrior and the soul of an angel.
He is impish, stubborn, childlike, wise, kind, protective, and filled with unconditional love and joy. Everyday is Christmas Day for Joey. Even with arthritic joints and poor eyesight, he bounds down the stairs into the kitchen to eagerly await his breakfast.
When I look into Joey’s eyes I see hope, optimism, trust, love and eternal joy.
When I have a bad day, Joey has a bad day. When I have a bad night, Joey has a bad night. I don’t know why but it is the truth.
When I look into my little dog’s eyes, I am filled with a type of love that I simply can’t explain.
Joey intuitively knows me. He knows what I need. Believe me, I realize this sounds silly. There is a deep love and spiritual connection that comes with having a dog.
Joey fills a hole in my heart and heals my soul everyday. I am never alone if Joey is near.
An empath shares the ability to share and understand the feelings of another.
And there are many types of empaths.