Famous author, favorite food!
Just for fun, let’s take a look at the favorite food of some of our best known authors:
George Orwell — Plum Pudding.
Agatha Christie — Devonshire Cream
Jack Kerouac — Apple Pie
J.D. Salinger — Roast Beef
Jean-Paul Sartre — Halva
Truman Capote — Italian Summer Pudding
Walt Whitman — Coffee Cafe
Sylvia Plath — Tomato-Soup Cake
Willa Cather — Kolaches
John Steinbeck — Posole
I was very curious about the Tomato Soup Cake! It is a classic cake from the 1950’s and calls for one can of tomato soup. It is described as a moist and fluffy spice layer cake with no tomato taste. Here is a link to a Tomato Cake Recipe if you are interested. Tomato Soup Cake.
I have a weakness for anything Thai.
What about you?