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How Journaling Makes You a Better Writer
The 8 ways journaling improves your writing.

1. Journaling clears your mind of clutter. The clutter that can lead to writer’s block. When you put thoughts on paper you create more space in your head. Try writing for a bit every morning and see what happens.
2. Journaling improves your health. Writing about good and bad feelings strengthens your immune system. And reduces stress. You learn about yourself when you journal. It allows the release of bottled up emotions which increases confidence and feelings of well-being.
3. Journaling flushes out the bad stuff. It allows us to write about the crappy stuff and then get down to the business of writing about the good stuff.
4. Journaling gives us the freedom to be less than perfect. We have the permission to write without fear, without judgement and without fierce editing. We can write with abandon, creativity and joy.
5. Journaling cultivates a huge personal archive. Some of the gems in your diary could lead to future stories and articles. They act as inspiration. Remember to create some kind of index to keep track of your stories.
6. Journaling brings you closer to excellence. The more hours you invest in writing the better you become. The hours you spend journaling count. If can be fun to keep track…