Janice Tovey
3 min readDec 10, 2021

The first chapter of my first book!

Courtesy of Robert-Anasch/UpSplash


Thanks to those who hurt me, You made me a stronger person.

Thanks to those who loved me, you made my heart bigger.

Thanks to those who cared, you made me feel important.

Thanks to those who showed concern, you let me know you care.

Thanks to those who left, you showed me that nothing is forever.

Thanks to those who stayed, you showed me the true meaning of friendship.

Thanks to those who entered my life, you helped me become the person I am today.


Chapter 1


So I had a breakdown in May 2018. Life as I knew it came to a screeching halt. I felt like I had been put through an emotional meat grinder. It was a complete physical, mental, emotional and spiritual assault. It knocked me to the ground.

The anxiety was rampant; overwhelming. I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep; I didn’t leave our house. I paced the floor from dusk to dawn. In complete darkness. Through the kitchen to the living room and back through the kitchen. Afraid my neighbors would see me; I kept the lights off. I banged into the coffee table. My legs…



Janice Tovey

My passion is writing. I also love reading, teaching, animals, nature, music, and humor. I am curious about everything and enjoy writing about all things.