Keep Love Ablaze With These Surefire Ways

Rekindle the romance

Janice Tovey


Keep those home fires burning. Rekindling love and romance. Roaring fire in fireplace.
Photography by Janice Tovey

Don’t stop the feeling of romance that comes with dating just because you have been married or in a relationship for 5/10/15/20 years!

The following article offers advice on how to rekindle romance and keep it ablaze.

At the end of this article are “50 Questions to Keep the Spark Alive.”

Here’s how to keep your love ablaze:

  • Two Different Things: Being in love and the act of loving are two entirely different concepts. Being in love is a passive act. It is a day dream world of fantasy. The act of loving suggests taking action to foster romance. The act of loving involves not only thoughts but actions. Concrete steps to keep the love alive.
  • These behaviors can include expressions of tenderness, emotional and physical affection; empathy; sensitivity; an awareness of a partner’s wants; compassion; sharing likes and hobbies; and allowing for authentic exchange of feelings and personal beliefs.
  • It is also important to recognize, accept and appreciate the love that is being offered. Rather than dreaming about love, it important to take action. Be involved in this reciprocity allows us to experience gratitude and return the love and appreciation we are given.



Janice Tovey

My passion is writing. I also love reading, teaching, animals, nature, music, and humor. I am curious about everything and enjoy writing about all things.