The Psychosomatic Stigma

Ignorance is undermining our health

Janice Tovey


Antique typewriter with the word truth.
Photo by Markus Winkler on UnsplashT

The diagnosis of psychosomatic is more than a little misleading. It is outdated and damaging. Especially in an enlightened world where acceptance and scientific proof for the mind/body/spirit connection abound.

This stigma is subtle, almost intangible. The buzz of judgement and intolerance deeply sensed.

In my book, Heal Frozen Shoulder: A Holistic Approach to Recovery I examine the collateral damage inflicted on individuals living with a so-called psychosomatic diagnosis, in this case idiopathic frozen shoulder, and strive to empower healing through truth and understanding.

This book sheds much needed light on the shadowy underbelly of frozen shoulder, specifically on an idiopathic frozen shoulder diagnosis or unknown cause. Frozen shoulder patients feel branded, stigmatized by a cloud of judgement, an antiquated notion that a possible psychosomatic connection renders a less serious affliction. That somehow their painful and altered reality isn’t real. That it is all in their head.
Are frozen shoulder patients supposed to feel ashamed? Really? How does that support healing?
A diagnosis of idiopathic (we don’t know) in the 21st century sounds rather idiotic. We are just not sure what is going on doesn’t quite cut it.

Do you feel like…



Janice Tovey

My passion is writing. I also love reading, teaching, animals, nature, music, and humor. I am curious about everything and enjoy writing about all things.