The 1 Mysterious Connection Between Frozen Shoulder, Banana Bread, and the Need to Create

Janice Tovey
2 min readJan 13, 2022

The link between food, pain, and creativity

Courtesy of Upsplash harlie-raethel-ouyj

My Little Story

Two years ago I came down with a very painful and debilitating condition known as “frozen shoulder.” I was unable to move, lift, rotate, or use my right arm for over a year. I couldn’t wash my hair, towel off after a shower, open my car door, drive, write, sleep, dress, or do any of the other things we humans take for granted. Brushing my teeth was even a chore.

And not to be a “woe is me” kind of person, but, after the right shoulder finally healed, my other shoulder became injured. Maybe from over use. I went through the whole process again for at least another year.

It has been said that stress can be a factor in frozen shoulder. I had problems, we all have problem, so who knows.

My life had become one desperate chiropractic and physiotherapy appointment after another. It was expensive. It was really awful. I couldn’t put my coat on. A poncho had become my best friend.

Frozen shoulder is referred to as idiopathic. The medical profession is not sure of the cause. It was painful and very discouraging.

Moving Forward.



Janice Tovey

My passion is writing. I also love reading, teaching, animals, nature, music, and humor. I am curious about everything and enjoy writing about all things.