The 10 Undisputable Truths About Empaths

A silent power

Janice Tovey


Photo by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash

If you are an empath, you know you are an empath.

There is no grey area.

The following truths about empaths will ring loud and clear!

  • Empaths have the power to form cordial relationships with whomever they want if they want.
  • Empaths are often told that it is all in their imagination.
  • Empaths can sense toxic people and groups as far as a mile away.
  • Empaths know immediately when someone is being false. You can’t lie to an empath so don’t even try.
  • Empaths need alone time to recharge but are seldom afforded this opportunity.
  • Empaths know the life story of everyone they meet. Strangers freely share.
  • Empaths are keenly attached to a spouse’s or partner’s energy.
  • Empaths see everything and miss nothing, even the subtlest of actions.
  • Empaths are easy prey for gaslighting and experience this often.
  • Empaths help to balance out a narcissistic universe.

If you are an empath, I am sure you will agree.

And, no you are not imagining things!

Janice Tovey 2023



Janice Tovey

My passion is writing. I also love reading, teaching, animals, nature, music, and humor. I am curious about everything and enjoy writing about all things.