Member-only story
The Healing Power of Plants
Improve the health of your home
Plants have wonderful healing properties. Plants can improve your health, your sleep, and beautify your home.
The snake plant is also known as the “mother in law plant.” It emits oxygen at night. Oxygen promotes a good nights sleep. The snake plant also is able to eliminate harmful chemicals in the air. The snake plant is also believed to bring good luck and emit a strong protective energy. It acts as protection and as a negative energy shield.
The jasmine plant emits a beautiful scent that causes relaxation. It has also been shown to improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety.
The valerian plant has a very sweet scent. It has been used for centuries to help with insomnia and sleep problems. It has small pink and white flowers.
The lavender plant is also known for its sleep inducing properties. It is good for relaxation, it lowers blood pressure, stress levels and heart rate.
The peace lily plant is an incredible air cleaner. It can increase humidity by 5% which aids breathing and sleeping. It has beautiful white flowers and requires little light and watering.
The golden pathos makes a great hanging basket. It’s leaves are marble shaped and it is also know as an air purifier. These plants are…