Your Secret Weapon

Engineer your thoughts to improve your health

Janice Tovey


Photo by Rebe Pascual on Unsplash

Your Secret Weapon

Physical illnesses like chronic pain and frozen shoulder worsen with stress and negativity.

Certain thoughts trigger these chain reactions and have the power to tighten our muscles.

Memories can trigger negative and positive thoughts.

Bad memories, produce detrimental chemicals, good memories, good ones.

We can work to control our memories.

You know what to do!

When we are deciding on a certain course of action, different neural networks are in competition with one another. One wins and produces the desired effect,

Thoughts produce emotions which produce chemicals, which affect our health. There is research to support that being optimistic improves immunity and disease resistance. Conversely, negative, and depressed thinking relate to decreased immunity and poorer health.

It is important to remember that whenever you think a thought there is a linked chemical reaction in your body and mind.

This is where YOU come in!

This gives you great personal power.



Janice Tovey

My passion is writing. I also love reading, teaching, animals, nature, music, and humor. I am curious about everything and enjoy writing about all things.